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In addition to your loose paper files, we can scan:


We can convert your documents into these formats:

*May involve IDSI's Data Capture and/or Document Indexing services.

Home > Services > Document Scanning and Imaging

Document Scanning & Imaging

Going Digital

As technology continues to advance, there is an increasing demand for information to be more quickly and easily accessible. Many businesses have a large amount of data stored in a paper or other non-digital format.

Whether you want to make the transition from a bulky paper filing system to a streamlined digital document management system or just create electronic back-ups of your documents, IDSI can help.

Our Scanning Process

The first step in the paper to digital process is scanning the files.

IDSI employee preparing documents to be scanned.

  • Prepare pages for scanning
  • We prepare paper documents for scanning by removing any staples or paper clips, smoothing folded corners, and making sure the pages are oriented correctly.

  • Scan document to create image file
  • Our high-tech scanners will quickly scan your documents and create a high-quality image of each page.

  • Image correction
  • We take a hands-on approach to image correction, carefully checking each image, making sure it's straight, and making any other corrections needed. Our personal approach assures a quality product for our clients.


Beyond Scanning & Imaging

Our Document Imaging service produces high-quality images of your documents. Any text in the document is just pixels at this point; your computer can't “read” it. If your vision for your files includes being able to easily search and retrieve your data, then our relationship with you will involve two of our other services:

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