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IDSI Means:

Top rated facility security.

Trustworthy employees.

Hardware redundancy for seamless recovery.

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Privacy & Security

IDSI makes sure your digital data is secure and backed up.

It's About Trust

At IDSI, maintaining relationships with our clients includes taking good care of the sensitive information they entrust us with. We regard all client information, including our client list, as strictly confidential. We know how vital your data is to your company, and we take significant measures to make sure it's private and safe.

To protect your data:

  • All facilities have controlled access, intrusion detection, video surveillance, and secure storage.
  • All IDSI employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement before they're allowed access to any client information.
  • All information is backed up and protected from loss due to power or hardware failures or natural disasters at two dedicated disaster recovery sites.

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